Welcome to the Blinking Dog Blog

A place for random thoughts, rants and general commentary...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

First Blog

Welcome to the Blinking Dog Blog.

First question you may ask is, "why Blinking Dog?" Well, have a look at my avatar. This is my dog, on her first bird hunt (dove) many years ago. I snapped this photo, and of course she blinked. Well, I said to myself "that blinking dog..." and I kind of liked it. So I've used Blinking Dog as an online persona ever since. So that's that.

Thanks for reading. I envision this blog as a forum for me to share some thoughts, probably rant a bit and maybe tell a story or two. I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Let's just establish a few ground rules from the start. First, let's keep it civil. Sure, healthy debate is fine, but harsh attacks and extreme profanity are not necessary and will get your comments deleted. Second, I intend to maintain my anonymity on this blog. Remember, I'm Blinking Dog online. If you know me, don't use my real name or those of my family members. And for the love of God, with all the hacking of people's personal info, let's keep mine and yours - personal info that is - confidential. No reason to give folks an easy job of stealing our identities. Deal?

I look forward to more posts to come.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Blinking Dog,

    This is a current event comment about British Petroleum.

    First lets talk about risk in general. Example: the choice of a job of painting a flag pole ball involves some risk. The painter could choose to paint something else but instead assumes the risk.

    Oil drilling can cause havoc and so can flag pole painting. Oil sometimes spills into the environment and the same physics sometimes spills the man down from the flag pole, splat.

    Isn't the oil business implicitly just pretty risky? Aren't oil drillers assuming these risks?

    I do not see the point in becoming hysterical about a blow out or a fall off a pole. The painter may die and the next flag pole paint job will take it into account by considering that risk. Who needs a ball on the top anyway? Judy says I lack empathy, advise?

    Enron "died" and British Petroleum may very well die too. Sorry, I guess?

    Just keep in mind that gasoline only cost $1 when Enron was engaged in trading of oil futures contracts. The media vilified Enron and now vilify British Petroleum, its their job and how they make a living. We will pay more until the entrepreneurs perfect the new energy of the future (I still have my 7Th grade science book review paper quoting a government study with proof that the world supply of coal would be exhausted by 1985) and in the meantime now our government will win votes with rhetoric: they would ban all flag pole ball painting if it would get them elected. It is a great system!

    The media also previously focused on mad cows, showed on TV a machine grinding up live baby chicks just because they weren't hens, DDT, strontium 90, and my all time favorite: the hazard of radio waves and overhead electrical poles. Sometime we just need to assume a little risk and pay fair market prices, advise?

    Awaiting a response from the Blinking Dog?

    The Worn Out Accountant
